Dry fruits should be a must in your diet. Consuming almonds regularly on a daily basis has many health benefits. Because almonds contain healthy fats, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. So food experts also say that eating almonds is good for health. Almonds also contain vitamin E, calcium, healthy fats, fiber, riboflavin, manganese, and copper.

Instead of eating almonds directly, soak them in water for 7 to 8 hours and peel them. Soaking provides nutrients to the body faster. Don't overeat almonds because the amount of almonds is exceeded, the fats will increase immensely. Breathing problems may also occur. If you eat too many almonds, there is a possibility of increasing toxins in the body. Digestive problems increase.

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Consumption of almonds can prove to be a good option for better memory and in improving the functioning of the brain. Let us tell you that as age increases, the memory of the person also starts to weaken. In such a situation, almond is very useful in removing this problem. Almonds contain polyunsaturated fatty acids and polyphenols which are useful in reducing memory. On the other hand, if soaked almonds are eaten overnight, then the memory can become sharp.

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Almonds provide calcium to the body. Almonds have about a quarter of the calcium as milk. This makes your bones stronger and unbreakable. Phosphorus percentage is also high in almonds. It keeps the bones in your body healthy. Almonds also control blood sugar levels. Magnesium deficiency can be replaced with almonds in diabetes sufferers. Some studies have found that type-2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, etc. are under control in those who eat almonds.

If almonds are consumed on an empty stomach, it can also make the skin healthy. This is because almonds have anti-inflammatory properties which can not only remove the problem of dry skin but are also useful in relieving problems like psoriasis and eczema.

Should almonds be soaked and eaten? Everyone has a dilemma about whether to eat Utvi or not. However, nutritionists say that eating soaked has more benefits. Because the tannin in the skin of almonds prevents our body from absorbing nutrients. That is why it is best to eat almonds after soaking them and removing the skin. Soaked almonds are rich in folic acid which prevents birth defects. The enzyme lipase in soaked almonds is helpful in breaking down and dissolving unwanted fat. Eating almonds will not make you hungry quickly. The flavonoids in soaked almonds prevent tumor growth. Experts say that it is better to soak almonds overnight and eat them in the morning.  

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