In this post, we discuss memory loss you have many questions like this, what causes memory loss? How to prevent memory in old age? what is dementia? what is short-term memory loss? what causes short-term memory?  dementia can affect people differently and cause different symptoms.  increasing age is the biggest known risk factor for dementia. The majority of people with dementia are over the age of 65, and the risk of this condition increases as you get older., but it can also affect younger people.


what is causing my loss of memory [dementia]? what can cause loss of memory?

Dementia is caused by damage to or loss of nerve cells and their connections in the brain. Depending on the area of ​​the brain that's damaged, A person's brain cannot function properly due to many diseases. Certain people may develop dementia, such as those who have had a stroke or those with diabetes, high blood pressure, depression, or high cholesterol.

 Your memory is very fast, But you only remember the abusive words. Your only problem is that when you need to store something in your memory, you won't remember it at that time you cannot choose from your memory what you want. It is only a matter of clarity, not of memory. If we say that the memory of the phone is less then it means that its recording capacity is less. But if we press 2 buttons and it shows 5 instead, the problem is not a bad memory, but the keyboard. Your problem is also a bad keyboard. There is no need to improve memory here, everything you experience is recorded. Your only problem is that you cannot extract the correct information from within.


what are the signs of memory loss? what is dementia?
 The main symptoms of this disease include memory loss, inability to make decisions, difficulty in household chores, and confusion in time and space are the main symptoms of this disease. difficulty speaking, and then severe social and family problems due to it. Such as forgetting to keep the house key or money somewhere, coming to bathe and forgetting whether to bathe immediately or not, 

what is short-term memory loss? what are the most common causes of short-term memory loss?

Short-term memory loss is when you forget things that happened recently, such as a place you visited, a recent event, or something you did, saw or heard. It can be caused by many factors, including regular disease, healthy deficiencies, lack of sleep, sadness, side effects of certain medications, or dementia.


what is pseudodementia?
pseudodementia: Often a person with mental stress or depression complains of memory loss who does not actually have dementia, a condition called pseudodementia. Good treatment of depression in this disorder can prevent memory loss and does not require the use of memory-enhancing drugs.

what is vascular dementia?
Vascular dementia: Dementia caused by less blood flow to the brain is named vascular dementia. Someones with regular diabetes and BP problems are more likely to develop this type of dementia. 

what is frontotemporal dementia?
Frontotemporal dementia: This is a special type of dementia in which the onset of the disorder starts with changes in the patient's manners followed by memory impairment over a few years. Often this disorder is genetic. In addition to amnesia drugs, patients with these diseases also require psychiatric drugs. 

what is Lewy body dementia?

 Lewy body dementia:

In this dementia, the patient has loss of memory, Parkinson's effect, and visual hallucinations as characteristic features. Fluctuations in the patient's condition are also seen in this disease. The drug rivastigmine shows some benefits in this disease.


 can memory loss be cured?

There is currently no specific test to diagnose or identify the start of Alzheimer's disease. Based on the patient's symptoms, the doctor will make a decision and provide information. Doctors can basically determine if you have dementia and identify whether you have dementia due to Alzheimer's disease.

 Simple and natural remedies are available to increase memory. All it needs is a change in diet and lifestyle.

how to prevent memory in old age?

Fasting: You may not believe it but fasting is one of the most useful things to improve memory

Sufficient sleep: Sufficient sleep is necessary to keep the mind calm. Sufficient sleep is essential for a healthy life. Sufficient sleep is very important for memory. According to a study, people who sleep less often have memory problems. 7-9 hours of sleep is necessary for good memory.

Training- To train the brain, constantly practice games like crosswords, crosswords, and sudoku to keep the memory strong.

 Along with physical fitness: physical fitness is also suitable for mental health. Routine exercise can decrease the risk of dementia with age.

 Breathing: It is necessary to take slow and deep breaths when starting to learn a new subject. Taking long and deep breaths is very beneficial for the mind.

Balanced diet; If you consume a well-balanced diet and fast one day a week, a protein called brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) rises in your brain. This protein regulates brain function. It keeps him calm and healthy.

Antioxidants: The use of antioxidants supports brain cells active. Consumption of fruits improves memory power.

Preventive measures of memory loss.

what are the worst foods for memory loss?

 Consuming too much sugar can affect mental health. Researchers have said that if too much sugar is used in the diet, then remembering can be decreased. Symptoms of Alzheimer's disease are also seen. Consumption of sugar should be avoided with fruits and beverages. Stop eating junk food. Junk food i.e. Pizza, cake, and white bread are as unhealthy as sugar. Junk food raises blood sugar levels. There is a possibility of brain damage. 

This content, including advice, provides general information only. It is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your doctor for more details.  this blog does not claim responsibility for this information.


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